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At present, the erudite people consider at the science as an infallible and unequivocal provider of truth about the universe. Unfortunately, such faith in the science collapses when we examine the history of the scientific discoveries. An exploration of the past reveals that the ideas of human beings about the world are in a condition of constant change and have always been partially inaccurate and flawed. Rather, the Bible contains information that is today considered as “scientific discoveries”, but are written before they were called “discoveries” in the modern world.
Let’s look some “scientific discoveries” in the Bible.
In Genesis is written: “And a son of eight days shall be circumcised among you, every male child in your generations; he that is born in the house, or bought with silver of any stranger who is not of your seed.” (Genesis 17:12) Why in the eighth day? In 1935, the professor Henrik Dam suggested the name “Vitamin K” for the factor in food that helps prevent bleedings. If the Vitamin K is not at appropriate levels, bleeding can occur. However, it is only since the fifth to seventh day of the life of the newborn that the Vitamin K is beginning to be produced by bacteria in the intestinal tract. The only day throughout the life of the newborn that the clotting factor is above 100% is the eighth one. Therefore, the best day for circumcision is the eighth day. What we read before the book of Genesis occurred at approximately the year 1877 BC. But how it was learned that in the days of Abraham?
Moses, by commandment of God, said to the Israelites: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Leviticus 17:11). Moses was right. In the human beings (and in very much animals), the life is possible because the red blood cells carry oxygen (by the hemoglobin found in the cells). In the red blood cells of the human beings there are approximately 270,000,000 molecules of hemoglobin per cell. If there were less, a person would not have enough oxygen to live. Now we know that literally the blood is the “life of the flesh”. How did Moses know such thing approximately in the year 1450 BC?
The Earth is held by invisible powers in space and revolves around the sun because of gravitational power. Nicolaus Copernicus was the first one to propose the idea that the Earth and planets revolve around the sun across the heliocentric theory of the Solar System. The study of the orbital forces advanced in the seventeenth century when Johannes Kepler introduced the laws of planetary motion. Prior to the discovery of the orbital force, pagan cultures as the Greek, believed that Atlas, a mythical god, claimed the Earth on his shoulders. In India believed that the Earth rested on the shoulders of giants elephants. Approximately in the year 1450 BC, in the Bible was written: “He stretches out the north over the empty place, and He hung the earth on nothing.” (Job 26:7) From where did the writer of the book of Job get this information?
The air has mass and weight, discovered in the late of the sixteenth century. In Job also was written: “For He looks to the end of the earth, and sees under all the heavens; making a weight for the winds, and measuring out the waters by measure”. (Job 28:24-25)
The man discovered that the Earth is round the first time during the fifteenth century and before almost everyone believed that the Earth was flat. Based on this false observation of the Earth, some men even believed that if they sail far enough, they could fall off the face of the planet. It was up in August 1966, when the U.S. space satellite “Lunar Orbiter” photographed the Earth for the first time, and there was a clear evidence to show at the world that the Earth is round. However, approximately in the year 700 BC, in the Word was written: “It is He who sits on the circle of the earth...” (Isaiah 40:22). The Hebrew word that Isaiah used for “circle” is “jug”, meaning a sphere that is round. The people of Isaiah’s time (and for many generations since then) taught that the earth was flat. How Isaiah knew that the Earth was round, rather than flat as the popular opinion suggested? Was his accurate calculation simply a lucky guess?
Paul wrote to the Corinthian: “All flesh is not the same flesh; but one kind of flesh of men, and another flesh of beasts, and another of fish, and another of birds.” (1 Corinthians 15:39) Today, this is a recognized scientific knowledge, since the four fleshes are certainly different in their biochemical composition. How could Paul, an itinerant preacher, have known this?
Some believe that the Bible was written by ignorant pastors and that is full of fables that have been passed down from generation to generation, and therefore argue that the Bible has not credibility. On the other hand we are who believe that the Bible is the exact Word of God. We also find those who have an eclectic view who believe that some things in the Bible are true, but others things are uncertain or improbable. In which of the sides are you?
The Bible is not a compendium of science, but the manifestation of God to show Himself to humans. However, when we are submerged in biblical deeps, we may find that the Word of God contains sufficient information to speak for itself about its authenticity. But there is not need to go into the deep and mysterious of the Bible to understand that God loves humans and that gave us the opportunity to be in harmony with Him, through His Son Jesus Christ.
What is the way of your thinking? If you are going to discard the Bible as Word of God, then you will find that you can not deflect the light of the truths that it contains. If your gaze is going to the center, defining what is true and what is lying on its contents, you will suffer the wear to prefer to be without anything because the Bible has never been studied in its entirety. I invite you to study the Bible without prejudice and you will look its wealth.