Ministry Experience of Oscar Mata
Observer in the North America National Council. October 2008.
Speaker in the National Youth Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day) from Mexico. December 2008.
Speaker in Dover Family Camp 2009. Dover, Oklahoma, June 2009.
Speaker in Dakotas Family Camp. October 2010 & August 2011.
Speaker in Church of God (Seventh Day), Trial Farm, Orange Walk, Belize. December 2012.
Baptized in the Church of God (Seventh Day) of Estanzuela, Zacapa (Guatemala) on April 3, 1993 by David Armando Villanueva Ruiz.
Graduated from Ministry Worker School. District # 3. Izabal (Guatemala). 1996.
Attended Pastoral and Administrative Overcoming Training Classes. Alta Verapaz (Guatemala). August 1997.
Attended the National Pastoral Convention Guatemala. On November end of every year since 1997 until 2009.
Attended meeting Church Central Government (Guatemala) with District Boards. February 2004, February 2007 and Frebruary 2008.
Observer. Guatemala Ministerial Council. May 2004 and May 2005.
Attended Ministerial Training. Ministry Department (Guatemala). August 2004 and Augusto 2005.
Anointed as Minister in the Church of God (Seventh Day) in Guatemala. September 9, 2006.
Transfered as Minister to the Church of God (Seventh Day) of United States of America and Canada. February, 2010.
Participation in the courses Leadership and Christian Ethics. LifeSpring School of Ministry. June, 2010.
Certificate of Biblical Studies. LifeSpring School of Ministry. January, 2015.
Interdisciplinary Palliative Care Certificate. Avera Clinical Pastoral Education and Life Circle South Dakota. April, 2016.
One Extended Full Unit of Level I Clinical Pastoral Education. Avera Health/Avera Mackennan Hospital & University Health Center. May, 2016.
Instructor for Ministry Worker School. Taught: General Principles, Homiletic, Ethic, and Worship Leading. District # 3. Estanzuela, Zacapa (Guatemala). 1998.
Instructor for Ministry Worker School. Taught: Ethic, and Worship Leading. District # 3. Cobán, Alta Verapaz (Guatemala). 1999.
Administration Talking for Church of God from Placa I, Entre Ríos, Izabal; organized by District Board # 3 (Guatemala). April, 20 & de October, 19 2002, and February, 15 & 22 2003.
Instructor. Sabbath School Teaching for Teachers. Church of God from La Florida, Guatemala City. 2003.
Instructor at the 2004 Ministerial Training. Taught “Civil Law Regarding Marriage.” Guatemala, August 2004 and August 2005.
Instructor for Ministry Worker School of Church of God from La Florida, Guatemala City. Taught: Homiletic. 2006.
Workshop “How Write a Spiritual Song” for Youth Group of Church of God from Zone 18 (Guatemala). September, 21 2008.
Cohort Facilitator for the course COM 341 EXPOSITORY PREACHING for LifeSpring School of Ministry. April - June, 2011.
Instructor of the course BIS 101 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT for LifeSpring School of Ministry. August - October, 2011.
Instructor of the course BIS 104 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT for LifeSpring School of Ministry. October - December, 2011.
Cohort Facilitator for the course BIS 101 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT for LifeSpring School of Ministry. January - March, 2012; September - December, 2012; January – March, 2013; September – November 2013.
Cohort Facilitator for the course BIS 201 BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION for LifeSpring School of Ministry. January - March, 2012; January – March, 2013.
Cohort Facilitator for the course BIS 104 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT for LifeSpring School of Ministry. March - April, 2012; April – June, 2013.
Cohort Facilitator for the course THE 202 INTRODUCTION TO THE DOCTRINES OF THE CHURCH OF GOD (SEVENTH DAY) for LifeSpring School of Ministry. April - June, 2012; April – June, 2013; September – November 2013.
Grader for the Competency Exam for the course LEA 201 CHURCH OF GOD (SEVENTH DAY) POLITY for LifeSpring School of Ministry. December, 2012.
Grader for the course THE 202 INTRODUCTION TO THE DOCTRINES OF THE CHURCH OF GOD (SEVENTH DAY) for LifeSpring School of Ministry. January, 2013.
Grader for the course COM 341 EXPOSITORY PREACHING for LifeSpring School of Ministry. February - March, 2013.
Cohort Facilitator for the course THE 201 SISTEMATIC THEOLOGY for LifeSpring School of Ministry. April – June, 2013.
Started serving to the Church of God from Estanzuela, Zacapa (Guatemala). April 7, 1993
Church National Youth Group—Choir Member (Guatemala). 1995 & 1996. Main activity: Participation in “Perfecto Amor” Album on 1996.
Church National Youth Group—Member (Guatemala). 1996 - 2001. Main activities:
In charge of Youth Region # 8.
In charge of Music.
Participation in the planning for the National Youth Conventions. On December end of every year since 1996 until 2000.
“Oscar & Nancy” Duo since 1997 to present. Main activities as singers:
Attended as singers in several activities and local congregations of the Church of God from Guatemala
Recorded “Libre” Album. 1998.
Recorded “Fortalece tu Espíritu” Album. 1999.
Recorded “Bendición” Album. 2000.
Attended as singers in the Church of God from El Salvador. November 2002.
Recorded “Hija Mía” Album. 2003.
Attended as singers in the Church of God (Seventh Day) from Stamford, Connecticut. August 2004.
Attended as singers in the Church of God from El Salvador. October 2004.
Recorded “Proyecto Fiel” Album, with David & Ana Villanueva. 2005.
Recorded “Proyecto Fiel 2” Album, With David & Ana Villanueva. 2006.
Recorded “Cultivando” Album. 2006.
Recorded “Expression of Love” Album. 2008.
Recorded “COG7” Album. 2009.
Attended as singers in the Church of God (Seventh Day) from Trial Farm, Orange Walk, Belize.
Secretary. District Board # 3 (Guatemala). From August 2001 to January 2010.
Legal Advice for modification of the State Register of the Church of God from Guatemala. Since 2006 to may 2007.
Replacement of the pastor of the Church of God from Estanzuela, Zacapa (Guatemala), acting by delegation of the District:
To replace at holder on vacation. December 2006, December 2007 and November 2008.
To replace at illness holder. January and a part of February 2008.
Attended the Guatemala Ministerial Council. May 2007 & May 2008. Main special activities:
Member of Committee of General Aspects of the Guatemala Ministerial Council of Guatemala. May 2007 and May 2008.
Speaker as proponent of the study “Sacerdotal Courses”.
Participations in Special Events:
Delegate from Guatemala. International Ministerial Congress. Overland Park, Kansas. July 2007.
Pastor. Church of God (Seventh Day), Sioux Falls, South Dakota. February 2010 - March 2013.
Attended the North America Ministerial Council. Octuber 2010 and November 2012.
Replacing temporarily the Pastor in La Repegua, Santo Tomás de Castilla, Guatemala. September - October 2012.
Ministerial Representative of Local Board. Church of God (Seventh Day), Sioux Falls, South Dakota. April 2013 - November 2013.
Pastor. Church of God (Seventh Day), Sioux Falls, South Dakota. November 2013 until today.
Member of License and Credential Committee. November 2014 – Today.
Volunteer Chaplain at Sanford Hospital, Sioux Falls, SD. May 2015 – Today.
Volunteer Chaplain at South Dakota State Penitentiary. April 2016 – Today.